gabriel becker
2 years ago
4 changed files with 389 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
# references |
- |
- Interrupts [ref]( \ |
Pin.irq(handler=None, trigger=Pin.IRQ_FALLING | Pin.IRQ_RISING, *, priority=1, wake=None, hard=False) |
``` python |
SW3 = Pin(("GPIO_0", 4), Pin.IN) |
SW3.irq(lambda t: print("SW3 changed")) |
``` |
- [Using flash memory as non-volatile storage on the Pi Pico microcontroller]( |
- |
- [buzzer reference]( |
@ -0,0 +1,212 @@ |
"""Provides an API for talking to HD44780 compatible character LCDs.""" |
import time |
class LcdApi: |
"""Implements the API for talking with HD44780 compatible character LCDs. |
This class only knows what commands to send to the LCD, and not how to get |
them to the LCD. |
It is expected that a derived class will implement the hal_xxx functions. |
""" |
# The following constant names were lifted from the avrlib lcd.h |
# header file, however, I changed the definitions from bit numbers |
# to bit masks. |
# |
# HD44780 LCD controller command set |
LCD_CLR = 0x01 # DB0: clear display |
LCD_HOME = 0x02 # DB1: return to home position |
LCD_ENTRY_MODE = 0x04 # DB2: set entry mode |
LCD_ENTRY_INC = 0x02 # --DB1: increment |
LCD_ENTRY_SHIFT = 0x01 # --DB0: shift |
LCD_ON_CTRL = 0x08 # DB3: turn lcd/cursor on |
LCD_ON_DISPLAY = 0x04 # --DB2: turn display on |
LCD_ON_CURSOR = 0x02 # --DB1: turn cursor on |
LCD_ON_BLINK = 0x01 # --DB0: blinking cursor |
LCD_MOVE = 0x10 # DB4: move cursor/display |
LCD_MOVE_DISP = 0x08 # --DB3: move display (0-> move cursor) |
LCD_MOVE_RIGHT = 0x04 # --DB2: move right (0-> left) |
LCD_FUNCTION = 0x20 # DB5: function set |
LCD_FUNCTION_8BIT = 0x10 # --DB4: set 8BIT mode (0->4BIT mode) |
LCD_FUNCTION_2LINES = 0x08 # --DB3: two lines (0->one line) |
LCD_FUNCTION_10DOTS = 0x04 # --DB2: 5x10 font (0->5x7 font) |
LCD_FUNCTION_RESET = 0x30 # See "Initializing by Instruction" section |
LCD_CGRAM = 0x40 # DB6: set CG RAM address |
LCD_DDRAM = 0x80 # DB7: set DD RAM address |
LCD_RS_CMD = 0 |
def __init__(self, num_lines, num_columns): |
self.num_lines = num_lines |
if self.num_lines > 4: |
self.num_lines = 4 |
self.num_columns = num_columns |
if self.num_columns > 40: |
self.num_columns = 40 |
self.cursor_x = 0 |
self.cursor_y = 0 |
self.implied_newline = False |
self.backlight = True |
self.display_off() |
self.backlight_on() |
self.clear() |
self.hal_write_command(self.LCD_ENTRY_MODE | self.LCD_ENTRY_INC) |
self.hide_cursor() |
self.display_on() |
def clear(self): |
"""Clears the LCD display and moves the cursor to the top left |
corner. |
""" |
self.hal_write_command(self.LCD_CLR) |
self.hal_write_command(self.LCD_HOME) |
self.cursor_x = 0 |
self.cursor_y = 0 |
def show_cursor(self): |
"""Causes the cursor to be made visible.""" |
self.hal_write_command(self.LCD_ON_CTRL | self.LCD_ON_DISPLAY | |
def hide_cursor(self): |
"""Causes the cursor to be hidden.""" |
self.hal_write_command(self.LCD_ON_CTRL | self.LCD_ON_DISPLAY) |
def blink_cursor_on(self): |
"""Turns on the cursor, and makes it blink.""" |
self.hal_write_command(self.LCD_ON_CTRL | self.LCD_ON_DISPLAY | |
def blink_cursor_off(self): |
"""Turns on the cursor, and makes it no blink (i.e. be solid).""" |
self.hal_write_command(self.LCD_ON_CTRL | self.LCD_ON_DISPLAY | |
def display_on(self): |
"""Turns on (i.e. unblanks) the LCD.""" |
self.hal_write_command(self.LCD_ON_CTRL | self.LCD_ON_DISPLAY) |
def display_off(self): |
"""Turns off (i.e. blanks) the LCD.""" |
self.hal_write_command(self.LCD_ON_CTRL) |
def backlight_on(self): |
"""Turns the backlight on. |
This isn't really an LCD command, but some modules have backlight |
controls, so this allows the hal to pass through the command. |
""" |
self.backlight = True |
self.hal_backlight_on() |
def backlight_off(self): |
"""Turns the backlight off. |
This isn't really an LCD command, but some modules have backlight |
controls, so this allows the hal to pass through the command. |
""" |
self.backlight = False |
self.hal_backlight_off() |
def move_to(self, cursor_x, cursor_y): |
"""Moves the cursor position to the indicated position. The cursor |
position is zero based (i.e. cursor_x == 0 indicates first column). |
""" |
self.cursor_x = cursor_x |
self.cursor_y = cursor_y |
addr = cursor_x & 0x3f |
if cursor_y & 1: |
addr += 0x40 # Lines 1 & 3 add 0x40 |
if cursor_y & 2: # Lines 2 & 3 add number of columns |
addr += self.num_columns |
self.hal_write_command(self.LCD_DDRAM | addr) |
def putchar(self, char): |
"""Writes the indicated character to the LCD at the current cursor |
position, and advances the cursor by one position. |
""" |
if char == '\n': |
if self.implied_newline: |
# self.implied_newline means we advanced due to a wraparound, |
# so if we get a newline right after that we ignore it. |
self.implied_newline = False |
else: |
self.cursor_x = self.num_columns |
else: |
self.hal_write_data(ord(char)) |
self.cursor_x += 1 |
if self.cursor_x >= self.num_columns: |
self.cursor_x = 0 |
self.cursor_y += 1 |
self.implied_newline = (char != '\n') |
if self.cursor_y >= self.num_lines: |
self.cursor_y = 0 |
self.move_to(self.cursor_x, self.cursor_y) |
def putstr(self, string): |
"""Write the indicated string to the LCD at the current cursor |
position and advances the cursor position appropriately. |
""" |
for char in string: |
self.putchar(char) |
def custom_char(self, location, charmap): |
"""Write a character to one of the 8 CGRAM locations, available |
as chr(0) through chr(7). |
""" |
location &= 0x7 |
self.hal_write_command(self.LCD_CGRAM | (location << 3)) |
self.hal_sleep_us(40) |
for i in range(8): |
self.hal_write_data(charmap[i]) |
self.hal_sleep_us(40) |
self.move_to(self.cursor_x, self.cursor_y) |
def hal_backlight_on(self): |
"""Allows the hal layer to turn the backlight on. |
If desired, a derived HAL class will implement this function. |
""" |
pass |
def hal_backlight_off(self): |
"""Allows the hal layer to turn the backlight off. |
If desired, a derived HAL class will implement this function. |
""" |
pass |
def hal_write_command(self, cmd): |
"""Write a command to the LCD. |
It is expected that a derived HAL class will implement this |
function. |
""" |
raise NotImplementedError |
def hal_write_data(self, data): |
"""Write data to the LCD. |
It is expected that a derived HAL class will implement this |
function. |
""" |
raise NotImplementedError |
# This is a default implementation of hal_sleep_us which is suitable |
# for most micropython implementations. For platforms which don't |
# support `time.sleep_us()` they should provide their own implementation |
# of hal_sleep_us in their hal layer and it will be used instead. |
def hal_sleep_us(self, usecs): |
"""Sleep for some time (given in microseconds).""" |
time.sleep_us(usecs) # NOTE this is not part of Standard Python library, specific hal layers will need to override this |
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ |
from machine import ADC, I2C, Pin, PWM |
import time |
from pico_i2c_lcd import I2cLcd |
pressure_sensor = ADC(Pin(26, mode=Pin.IN)) |
hall_sensor = Pin(27, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) |
btnn_reset = Pin(22, Pin.IN) |
lcd = False |
buzzer_satus = False |
ii = 0 |
def interruption_handler(*args, **kargs): |
global ii |
ii += 1 |
hall_sensor.irq( |
handler=interruption_handler, |
trigger=Pin.IRQ_RISING, |
) |
previous_time = time.ticks_ms() |
def setup(): |
global pressure_sensor, lcd, buzzer |
i2c = I2C(0, sda=Pin(0), scl=Pin(1), freq=100000) |
I2C_ADDR = i2c.scan()[0] |
lcd = I2cLcd(i2c, I2C_ADDR, 2, 16) |
buzzer = PWM(Pin(15)) |
buzzer.duty_u16(0) |
def get_rotation_frequency(): |
global ii, previous_time |
frequency = float(ii) / (time.ticks_ms() - previous_time) * 1e3 |
previous_time = time.ticks_ms() |
ii = 0 |
return frequency |
def get_pressure(): |
global pressure_sensor |
pressure_measure = float(pressure_sensor.read_u16()) / 65535 * 3.3 |
return pressure_measure |
def loop(): |
global lcd, buzzer, buzzer_satus |
pressure_measure = get_pressure() |
lcd.clear() |
str_pressure = "{:.3f}".format(pressure_measure) |
lcd.putstr('Preassure: ' + str_pressure + '\n') |
frequency = get_rotation_frequency() |
str_frequency = "{:.3f}".format(frequency) |
lcd.putstr('Frequency: ' + str_frequency) |
time.sleep(.07) |
buzzer_satus = not buzzer_satus |
if buzzer_satus: |
buzzer.duty_u16(220) |
else: |
buzzer.duty_u16(0) |
def handle_error(): |
global lcd |
lcd.putstr('Exception') |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
setup() |
try: |
while(True): |
loop() |
except: |
handle_error() |
while True: |
pass |
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ |
import utime |
import gc |
from lcd_api import LcdApi |
from machine import I2C |
# PCF8574 pin definitions |
MASK_RS = 0x01 # P0 |
MASK_RW = 0x02 # P1 |
MASK_E = 0x04 # P2 |
SHIFT_DATA = 4 # P4-P7 |
class I2cLcd(LcdApi): |
#Implements a HD44780 character LCD connected via PCF8574 on I2C |
def __init__(self, i2c, i2c_addr, num_lines, num_columns): |
self.i2c = i2c |
self.i2c_addr = i2c_addr |
self.i2c.writeto(self.i2c_addr, bytes([0])) |
utime.sleep_ms(20) # Allow LCD time to powerup |
# Send reset 3 times |
self.hal_write_init_nibble(self.LCD_FUNCTION_RESET) |
utime.sleep_ms(5) # Need to delay at least 4.1 msec |
self.hal_write_init_nibble(self.LCD_FUNCTION_RESET) |
utime.sleep_ms(1) |
self.hal_write_init_nibble(self.LCD_FUNCTION_RESET) |
utime.sleep_ms(1) |
# Put LCD into 4-bit mode |
self.hal_write_init_nibble(self.LCD_FUNCTION) |
utime.sleep_ms(1) |
LcdApi.__init__(self, num_lines, num_columns) |
cmd = self.LCD_FUNCTION |
if num_lines > 1: |
cmd |= self.LCD_FUNCTION_2LINES |
self.hal_write_command(cmd) |
gc.collect() |
def hal_write_init_nibble(self, nibble): |
# Writes an initialization nibble to the LCD. |
# This particular function is only used during initialization. |
byte = ((nibble >> 4) & 0x0f) << SHIFT_DATA |
self.i2c.writeto(self.i2c_addr, bytes([byte | MASK_E])) |
self.i2c.writeto(self.i2c_addr, bytes([byte])) |
gc.collect() |
def hal_backlight_on(self): |
# Allows the hal layer to turn the backlight on |
self.i2c.writeto(self.i2c_addr, bytes([1 << SHIFT_BACKLIGHT])) |
gc.collect() |
def hal_backlight_off(self): |
#Allows the hal layer to turn the backlight off |
self.i2c.writeto(self.i2c_addr, bytes([0])) |
gc.collect() |
def hal_write_command(self, cmd): |
# Write a command to the LCD. Data is latched on the falling edge of E. |
byte = ((self.backlight << SHIFT_BACKLIGHT) | |
(((cmd >> 4) & 0x0f) << SHIFT_DATA)) |
self.i2c.writeto(self.i2c_addr, bytes([byte | MASK_E])) |
self.i2c.writeto(self.i2c_addr, bytes([byte])) |
byte = ((self.backlight << SHIFT_BACKLIGHT) | |
((cmd & 0x0f) << SHIFT_DATA)) |
self.i2c.writeto(self.i2c_addr, bytes([byte | MASK_E])) |
self.i2c.writeto(self.i2c_addr, bytes([byte])) |
if cmd <= 3: |
# The home and clear commands require a worst case delay of 4.1 msec |
utime.sleep_ms(5) |
gc.collect() |
def hal_write_data(self, data): |
# Write data to the LCD. Data is latched on the falling edge of E. |
byte = (MASK_RS | |
(self.backlight << SHIFT_BACKLIGHT) | |
(((data >> 4) & 0x0f) << SHIFT_DATA)) |
self.i2c.writeto(self.i2c_addr, bytes([byte | MASK_E])) |
self.i2c.writeto(self.i2c_addr, bytes([byte])) |
byte = (MASK_RS | |
(self.backlight << SHIFT_BACKLIGHT) | |
((data & 0x0f) << SHIFT_DATA)) |
self.i2c.writeto(self.i2c_addr, bytes([byte | MASK_E])) |
self.i2c.writeto(self.i2c_addr, bytes([byte])) |
gc.collect() |
Reference in new issue