Example : [config.toml](https://github.com/gesquive/slate/blob/master/config.toml)
## Links
All links are defined in the `data/links.yml` data file.
Example of link definitions in the data file.
``` yml
name: 'google'
url: 'https://google.com'
img: 'google.svg'
tags: ['favorite', 'search']
name: 'bing'
url: 'https://bing.com'
img: 'bing.svg'
txt_color: '#ffffff'
bg_color: '#ffb900'
tags: ['search']
name: 'amazon'
url: 'https://amazon.com'
img: 'amazon.svg'
bg_color: '#ffffff'
txt_color: '#ff9900'
tags: ['favorite', 'shopping']
name: 'reddit'
url: 'https://reddit.com'
img: 'reddit.svg'
bg_color: '#5f99cf'
txt_color: '#ffffff'
name: 'spotify'
url: 'https://web.spotify.com'
img: 'spotify.svg'
bg_color: '#191414'
txt_color: '#1db954'
tags: ['favorite', 'music']
name: 'google music'
url: 'https://play.google.com/music/listen'
img: 'google-music.png'
bg_color: '#ffffff'
txt_color: '#ff5722'
tags: ['music']
name: 'pandora'
url: 'https://pandora.com'
img: 'pandora.svg'
bg_color: '#005483'
txt_color: '#ffffff'
# tags: ['music']
## Navigation
Along the left side of the screen is a navigation bar that can be used to filter the links. The filtering occurs on the tag attribute of the links. For example, when the 'favorite' tag is selected, only the links with the 'favorite' tag attribute will be shown.
A nav filter is defined as:
- **name**: The name displayed in the UI
- **tag**: the tag name to filter links with
- **icon**: the [font-awesome](http://fontawesome.io/icons/) name of the icon to display